
Effects of Alcohol on Driving

Think - Don't Drink and Drive

Christmas is around the corner again and that normally means invitations to many parties and festive activities. It also means the temptation to drink and drive is more likely.

Firstly lets take a look at the UK drink drive limits:

  • 35 microgrammes per 100 millilitres of breath
  • 80 milligrammes per 100 millilires of blood
  • 107milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine

It’s very hard to know if it’s safe to drive due to the many different factors that could have an effect on your driving. They include:

· Your gender (males normally process alcohol faster than females)
· Your Weight
· Your age (It’s believed the younger you are the slower you process alcohol)
· How much you have eaten

How drinking alcohol can affect your ability to drive

We all know even after a small amount of alcohol we start to feel different, some key effects on our bodies are listed below:

· The time it takes the brain to receive messages from the eyes is slower
· Your vision may become blurred or double vision may occur
· You become more confident (you may take more risks)
· Processing information becomes more difficult

Do’s and Don’t when it comes to Alcohol

· Pick a designated driver, someone who is not going to drink and can drive you home safely
· Leave the car alone (either at home or if you have driven somewhere get a taxi home)
· Make good use of public transport
· Never drink and drive
· Take care the morning after you still may be over the limit

The morning After

Remember alcohol can stay in your body for a long period, even after a good nights sleep you may still be over the drink drive limit. This will depend on how much you have drank the night before and if you are in doubt, wait until you think your judgement wont be impaired.

Be safe – have fun and leave the car at home.

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